A friend complimented me on my sneakers after we were completely wiped out as usual from our high intensity Power Sculpt class. I was shocked that she didn’t know about Bandier where I got them (they are super comfortable and from a limited time collab with Reebok). It is a mistake for me to assume everyone knows about Bandier. That’s why I am writing this post about the site (and store). I have a lot of Lululemon but find most of the legging fabrics way too thick for my high intensity classes such as spin and power sculpt. It gets really hot in those rooms and I am more comfortable exercising practically naked. So I’ve kind of moved on from Lululemon. There are many brands in the Bandier collection and they frequently offer limited collabs that are nice and ensure you are unlikely to wear the same outfit as the person next to you at the gym. It’s always nice to fit in but who wants to look like everyone else? Also their “B Line” (which highlights current exercise leaders and their top Bandier picks) is fun to check out. To see their latest feature of the cool Taryn Toomey (she’s famous for “The Class” and is opening a new studio soon) click HERE. To browse Bandier, click HERE. For less pricey, more classic activewear click HERE.
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